Distributed Tracing

The original MuShop application featured hand crafted logic to wrap each endpoint in distributed tracing logic that can be exported to Zipkin, for example in the Go lang code which manually wraps logic in calls to opentracing.TraceServer(..):

func MakeEndpoints(s Service, tracer stdopentracing.Tracer) Endpoints {
	return Endpoints{
		ListEndpoint:       opentracing.TraceServer(tracer, "GET /catalogue")(MakeListEndpoint(s)),
		CountEndpoint:      opentracing.TraceServer(tracer, "GET /catalogue/size")(MakeCountEndpoint(s)),
		GetEndpoint:        opentracing.TraceServer(tracer, "GET /catalogue/{id}")(MakeGetEndpoint(s)),
		CategoriesEndpoint: opentracing.TraceServer(tracer, "GET /categories")(MakeCategoriesEndpoint(s)),
		HealthEndpoint:     opentracing.TraceServer(tracer, "GET /health")(MakeHealthEndpoint(s)),

Micronaut has built-in support for distributed tracing that only requires the addition of the micronaut-tracing module and then configuring the target Zipkin or Jaeger service to send traces to, for example in the micronaut-oraclecloud.yml configuration:

# Configures Micronaut to Export application level trace information to 
# Oracle Cloud Application Performance Monitoring.
# See https://micronaut-projects.github.io/micronaut-oracle-cloud/latest/guide/#tracing
    enabled: true
      probability: 1
    supportsJoin: false

Once enabled Micronaut will automatically publish traces received from the service and also automatically instrument any outgoing HTTP client or Kafka producers to include trace information such that trace information can be propagated from one service to another.

This is universally enabled across all applications without the developer having to do anything additional, whilst the original MuShop requires explicit declarations of all incoming and outgoing traced endpoints.