
MuShop provides an umbrella helm chart called setup, which includes several recommended installations on the cluster. These represent common 3rd party services, which integrate with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure or enable certain application features.

Chart Purpose Option Default
Prometheus Service metrics aggregation prometheus.enabled true
Grafana Infrastructure/service visualization dashboards grafana.enabled true
Metrics Server Support for Horizontal Pod Autoscaling metrics-server.enabled true
Ingress Nginx Ingress controller and public Load Balancer ingress-nginx.enabled true
Cert Manager x509 certificate management for Kubernetes cert-manager.enabled true
Service Catalog (Archived) Service Catalog chart utilized by Oracle Service Broker catalog.enabled false
Jenkins Jenkins automation server on Kubernetes jenkins.enabled false

Dependencies installed with setup chart. NOTE as these are very common installations, each may be disabled as needed to resolve conflicts.

From deploy/complete/helm-chart directory:

  1. Install setup chart:

    helm install setup \
      --name mushop-utils \
      --namespace mushop-utilities
    helm upgrade --install mushop-utils setup \
      --dependency-update \
      --namespace mushop-utilities \

    OPTIONAL In case you are provisioning ATP, Stream, and Object Storage with OCI Service Broker. In that case, you should enable the Service Catalog catalog.enabled to true in values.yaml or by adding the command line flag --set catalog.enabled=true in the helm install command above.

    helm upgrade --install mushop-utils setup \
      --dependency-update \
      --namespace mushop-utilities \
      --create-namespace \
      --set catalog.enabled=true

    OPTIONAL The Jenkins automation server can be enabled by setting jenkins.enabled to true in values.yaml or by adding the command line flag --set jenkins.enabled=true in the helm install command above.

    helm upgrade --install mushop-utils setup \
      --dependency-update \
      --namespace mushop-utilities \
      --create-namespace \
      --set jenkins.enabled=true
  2. NOTE the public EXTERNAL-IP assigned to the ingress controller load balancer:

    kubectl get svc mushop-utils-ingress-nginx-controller \
      --namespace mushop-utilities