

In this section we detail the steps required to perform a DR solution between us-phoenix-1 and us-ashburn-1 regions. These regions are used as an example, you can choose the regions of your choice.

Set Environment Variables

export DB_NAME=demoadb
export DB_DISPLAY_NAME=demoadb
export WALLET_ZIP=/tmp/Wallet_${DB_NAME}.zip
export PRIMARY_REGION=us-phoenix-1
export FAILOVER_REGION=us-ashburn-1

Do refer the autonomous database password criteria’s here

Setup ADB (Autonomous Database)

  • Create the Source ADB (Autonomous Database)
    oci db autonomous-database create --compartment-id ${COMPARTMENT_ID} \
    --db-name ${DB_NAME} --admin-password ${DB_PASSWORD} --db-version 19c \
    --cpu-core-count 1 --data-storage-size-in-tbs 1 \
    --display-name ${DB_DISPLAY_NAME} --region ${PRIMARY_REGION}
  • Fetch the Source ADB (Autonomous Database) OCID
    DB_ID=$(oci db autonomous-database list -c ${COMPARTMENT_ID} \
    --region ${PRIMARY_REGION} --display-name $DB_NAME \
    --query "data[?\"db-name\"=='${DB_NAME}'].id | [0]" --raw-output)
  • Create the DR ADB (Autonomous Database)
    oci db autonomous-database create-adb-cross-region-data-guard-details \
    --compartment-id ${COMPARTMENT_ID} --db-name ${DB_NAME} --source-id ${DB_ID} \
    --cpu-core-count 1 --data-storage-size-in-tbs 1 \
    --region ${FAILOVER_REGION} --db-version 19c
  • Download and extract autonomous database wallet from source ADB
    oci db autonomous-database generate-wallet --autonomous-database-id ${DB_ID}\
    --password ${WALLET_PW} --file ${WALLET_ZIP} --region $PRIMARY_REGION
    unzip ${WALLET_ZIP} -d /tmp/wallet_source

Keep this wallet handy as we will need to add it as OKE secret later on.

The database wallet on standby(DR) will not be available for download until the failover. The wallet has to be separately downloaded for primary and remote region’s as tnsnames.ora DNS entries are different.

Create OKE (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes) clusters

Follow the instructions provided here on both primary and DR sites.

Setup Mushop on Source (us-phoenix-1)

  • Go to the chart folder

    cd oci-cloudnative/deploy/complete/helm-chart
  • Install Setup Charts

    helm upgrade --install mushop-utils setup --dependency-update --namespace mushop-utilities --create-namespace
  • Add the following secrets

    kubectl create secret generic oci-credentials \
        --namespace mushop \
        --from-literal=tenancy=<TENANCY_OCID> \
        --from-literal=user=<USER_OCID> \
        --from-literal=region=<USER_OCI_REGION> \
        --from-literal=fingerprint=<USER_PUBLIC_API_KEY_FINGERPRINT> \
        --from-literal=passphrase=<PASSPHRASE_STRING> \
    kubectl create secret generic oadb-admin \
        --namespace mushop \
    kubectl create secret generic oadb-wallet \
        --namespace mushop --from-file=/tmp/wallet_source
    kubectl create secret generic oadb-connection \
        --namespace mushop \
        --from-literal=oadb_wallet_pw=${WALLET_PW} \
  • Edit/Add the following secrets to values-prod.yaml as shown below

    cat mushop/values-prod.yaml

Sample Output:

ociAuthSecret: oci-credentials        # OCI authentication credentials secret name
ossStreamSecret:                      # Name of Stream Connection secret
oadbAdminSecret: oadb-admin           # Name of DB Admin secret created earlier
oadbWalletSecret: oadb-wallet         # Name of wallet secret created earlier
oadbConnectionSecret: oadb-connection # Name of connection secret created earlier
  • Install MuShop

    helm upgrade --install -f ./mushop/values-prod.yaml \
    mymushop mushop -n mushop \
  • Setup the ingress A TLS secret is used for SSL termination on the ingress controller. To generate the secret for this example, a self-signed certificate is used. While this is okay for testing, for production, use a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority.

    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 \
    -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout tls.key \
    -out tls.crt -subj "/CN=nginxsvc/O=nginxsvc"
    kubectl create secret tls tls-secret --key tls.key --cert tls.crt -n mushop
    cat << EOF | kubectl -n mushop apply -f -
    kind: Ingress
    name: mushop
    annotations: "nginx"
    - secretName: tls-secret
    - http:
        - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: edge
                number: 80
  • Access the Source MuShop application using the ingress IP

    kubectl get svc mushop-utils-ingress-nginx-controller \
    --namespace mushop-utilities
  • Verify the application at Source

    Access https://<primary-site-ingress-ip-address> and ensure that you would see the all the MuShop catalogue products listed without errors.

Perform Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) Failover

Go to OCI console and perform a failover.

OCI-Console -> Oracle Database -> Autonomous Transaction Processing (Standby db: `us-ashburn-1`) -> Switchover

Wait until the switchover completes fully and there are no ‘role change in progress’ status on either side (Primary and Standby).

MuShop Setup (Disaster Recovery (DR) site us-ashburn-1)

Change your OKE cluster to point to DR. If you don’t have a DR OKE cluster setup yet then refer to the Create OKE clusters section and create a OKE cluster at the DR region.

  • Download and extract the DR ADB wallet

    OCI-Console -> Oracle Database -> Autonomous Transaction Processing (Standby db: `us-ashburn-1`) -> DB Connection -> Download wallet

Extract the wallet

unzip <wallet_zip_file> -d /tmp/wallet_remote
  • Create the secrets, set the region as us-ashburn-1 in this case

    kubectl create secret generic oci-credentials \
        --namespace mushop \
        --from-literal=tenancy=<TENANCY_OCID> \
        --from-literal=user=<USER_OCID> \
        --from-literal=region=<USER_OCI_REGION> \
        --from-literal=fingerprint=<USER_PUBLIC_API_KEY_FINGERPRINT> \
        --from-literal=passphrase=<PASSPHRASE_STRING> \
    kubectl create secret generic oadb-wallet \
        --namespace mushop   --from-file=/tmp/wallet_remote
    kubectl create secret generic oadb-admin \
        --namespace mushop \
    kubectl create secret generic oadb-connection \
        --namespace mushop \
        --from-literal=oadb_wallet_pw=${WALLET_PW} \
  • Edit/Add the following secrets to values-prod.yaml as shown below

    cat mushop/values-prod.yaml

Sample Output:

ociAuthSecret: oci-credentials        # OCI authentication credentials secret name
ossStreamSecret:                      # Name of Stream Connection secret
oadbAdminSecret: oadb-admin           # Name of DB Admin secret created earlier
oadbWalletSecret: oadb-wallet         # Name of wallet secret created earlier
oadbConnectionSecret: oadb-connection # Name of connection secret created earlier
  • Install MuShop

    helm upgrade --install -f ./mushop/values-prod.yaml \
    mymushop mushop -n mushop
  • Set up the ingress (On DR us-ashburn-1)

    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 \
    -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout tls.key \
    -out tls.crt -subj "/CN=nginxsvc/O=nginxsvc"
    kubectl create secret tls \
    tls-secret --key tls.key --cert tls.crt -n mushop
    cat << EOF | kubectl -n mushop apply -f -
    kind: Ingress
    name: mushop
    annotations: "nginx"
    - secretName: tls-secret
    - http:
        - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: edge
                number: 80

Verify the application at DR

kubectl get svc mushop-utils-ingress-nginx-controller -n mushop-utilities

Access https://<dr-site-ingress-ip-address> and ensure that you would see the all the MuShop catalogue products listed without errors.

DR Testing

Notice that the source (us-phoenix-1) site has lost access to all the products within Mushop and the DR site has access to all the products as we switched over.

You can then ADB fail back to the primary site (us-phoenix-1) in this case and observe the opposite behavior.

WAF and DNS traffic steering

Further, we can add WAF and DNS traffic steering policy to automatically switch the DNS from Source site to Destination site. For this we make use of creating a http healthcheck monitor on https://<primary-site-ingress-ip-address>/api/catalogue. When we failover the ATP (Autonomous Database) manually or when there is a disaster at Primary site, this check would then fail and automatically change the DNS to point to DR Ingress IP. The procedure to setup WAF and DNS are not included as part of this lab.